Doggie Day Out
Make a dog’s day with a fun field trip away from the Adoption Center! By taking a dog out of the Adoption Center for just a few hours, you’ll provide them mental stimulation from new experiences and meeting new people as well as help them exert pent up energy. Another added bonus is that people who wouldn’t normally come down to the adoption center may meet their new furry friend through this program! You do not need to be a Paws4ever volunteer to participate in this program, but you will need to meet program qualifications and follow the guidelines below.
About The Doggie Day Out Program
Participant Qualifications:
Participants in this program must be at least 18 years of age or older
Participants must have a valid drivers license.
Participants must have valid auto insurance.
Pick-Up and Drop Off Location:
Paws4ever Adoption Center
6311 Nicks Road,
Mebane, NC 27302
Prior to Taking a Dog Out:
Please email to participate in a Doggie Day Out. We ask that you try to give at least 72 hours notice so that arrangements can be made.
The email request should include:
- The date(s) you are interested in taking a dog out. Typically, participants take a dog out and bring them back the same day, however, if you are interested in keeping a dog overnight this can be an option depending on what other people/animals you have at your home.
- The time you are hoping to pick up and drop off the dog. Typically, we prefer pick-up and drop-off between 9:00AM and 4:30PM.
- Do you have any limitations to which dog you’d be willing to take (for example, size or a level of pulling on the leash that you are comfortable with)? As a note, most of the dogs that we have are medium or large and although they may not pull consistently, they may pull if they see another dog/squirrel/or other exciting stimuli. We have small dogs sometimes, but since they tend to go more quickly than the larger ones, we may not always have them available for this program.
- If there are certain places they are hoping to take the dog. Typical suggested outings include:
Taking the dog on a walk around a quiet neighborhood, town, or trail
- Find a list of our top suggestions for trails to hike with our dogs here.
Taking the dog through a drive-through (e.g. Starbucks for a pup cup)
Lunch at a pet-friendly restaurant
- Local dog-friendly restaurants can be found on the website
Snuggling at home while watching a movie (note: this may not be appropriate if you have small children and/or other pets in your home)

Paws4ever will provide a kit with all of the pet supplies you need for your Doggie Day Out!
Check out these galleries of photos from previous Doggie Days Out!
Max’s Day Out
Max went hiking at Cane Creek and then stopped for a pup cup!
Goose’s Day Out
Goose went for a hike a Duke Forest, a trip to Starbucks, and a walk on UNC’s campus!
Starr’s Day Out
Starr went hiking at Duke Forest, got a Starbucks pup cup, and then enjoyed a walk in a park.
Jax’s Day Out
Jax got to relax in a home
PJ’s Day Out
PJ went for a hike at Cane Creek, then to Starbucks!
Larry’s Day Out
Larry snuggled up in a home, went for a neighborhood walk, and showed his true relaxed personality