Group Classes
Paws4ever offers fun and accessible group classes to help you and your dog bond and achieve your training goals together! Group classes are taught by professional trainers and use positive and proven-effective methods.
Paws4ever does NOT allow the use of unlimited slip or choker style training collars, pinch or prong style collars metal or plastic, nor any electronic collars at any time on our campus. We believe science-based, positive reinforcement training is the best way to build communication, cooperation, and trust between you and your dog.
Puppy School – Manners (ABCs) and Socialization (Recess) for dogs up to 4 months old
Bring your puppy (must be 8 weeks to three months old on their first day of class) and experience appropriate puppy play and learn some basic behaviors using safe and guided interactions! Topics include all things puppy, such as jumping, nipping, handling (preparing for vet exams and grooming), playgroup safety, puppy beginner manners, and building a healthy bond. This class lays the foundation for the Middle School Class (for dogs between 4 months and 18 months of age).
Duration: 5 Weeks – This class is a rolling class, so you can join at any time (as long as space is available). Classes are expected to be taken in a continuous 5 week block. Only previously discussed absences will be available for make-up.
Prerequisite: Pups must have been in the home at least 10 days prior to starting class.
Prerequisite: Proof of first series of required vaccinations (DHPP) and veterinarian provided health check required before first class
Session Details:
Cost: $135.00
Length: 5- 55 minute lessons
Class Size: up to 6
Middle School Class/Adult Beginners – For dogs 4 months old and up!
This course introduces the essentials for teaching your teenage or adult dog basic good manners. We will work on such unwanted behaviors as jumping up, pulling on leash, and not coming when called. This class establishes the foundation for more advanced skills in the Finishing School class. If your dog is 4 months of older, this is the class for you!
Duration: 6 weeks
Prerequisite: Proof of required vaccinations (DHPP and Rabies) must be provided prior to the class start date. These can be emailed to
Prerequisite: Your dog must be friendly to humans and unfamiliar dogs and must have been in your home for at least 10 days prior to the start of class.
Session Details:
Cost: $145.00
Length: 6 – 50 minute lessons
Size: up to 6
Adult “Finishing School” Class
Graduated Middle School Class but want to continue training? Our Adult “Finishing School” Class takes manners training to the next level with more challenging distractions, situational role playing, and education on when to start weaning off treats. This class will also discuss test items from the Canine Good Citizen evaluation.
Duration: 5 Weeks (handlers with dogs at all classes, no orientation)
Prerequisite: Proof of required vaccinations (DHPP and Rabies) must be provided prior to the class start date. These can be emailed to
Prerequisite: Graduation from Paws4ever Middle School or a good foundation of obedience training in place (ie: stay, leave it, loose-leash walking, recall, etc.) Your dog must be friendly and not highly reactive to humans or unfamiliar dogs and must have been in your home for at least 10 days prior to the start of class.
Session Details:
Cost: $135.00
Length: 5 – 55 minute lessons
Size: up to 6
Agility for Fun!
Agility is a fun way for you to bond with your dog! Join us for a fun-focused approach to learning the different pieces of equipment, as well as expanding on your existing obedience skills.
In this class we’ll introduce exercises to improve your distance control over your dog, as well as beginner-friendly equipment such as tunnels, jumps, lowered contact obstacles (like the dog walk, pause table, and wobbly boards), and learn how to put those into a sequence!
Prerequisite: Middle School Class, Adult Manners Class or permission of Instructor
Prerequisite: Proof of required vaccinations (DHPP, Rabies, and Bordetella) must be provided prior to the class start date. These can be emailed to
Prerequisite: Your dog must be friendly to humans and unfamiliar dogs and must have been in your home for at least 10 days prior to the start of class.
Session Details:
Cost: $150.00
Length: 5 – 55 minute lessons
Size: up to 3, class held indoors.
Introduction to K9 Nosework©
This class is taught by dog trainer Julie Rice MT(ASCP), KPA-CTP, CNWI™. Julie is not a Paws4ever dog trainer but she will be coming out to the Paws4ever Learning Center to teach this fun class!
Inspired by working detection dogs, K9 Nose Work® is the fun search and scenting activity for virtually all dogs and people. This easy to learn activity and sport builds confidence and focus in many dogs, and provides a safe way to keep dogs fit and healthy. K9 Nose Work® starts with getting your dog excited about using his nose to seek out a favorite toy or treat reward hidden in one of several boxes, expanding the game to entire rooms, exterior areas, and vehicles. As your dog grows more confident with his nose, target odors are introduced, and competition skills are taught.
During the class, one dog will work while the other dogs wait in their car. Handlers should be prepared to observe the other dogs searching. No special equipment is needed other than a 6’-8’ leash, a plain buckle collar or non-restrictive harness and lots of moist and yummy treats.
Duration: 5 weeks
Prerequisite: Dogs must be 4 months or older
Prerequisite: Proof of required vaccinations (DHPP, Rabies, and Bordetella) must be provided prior to attendance. These can be emailed to
Prerequisite: Dogs should be comfortable working in a room with people sitting quietly nearby. Your dog must be friendly to humans and must have been in your home for at least 10 days prior to the start of class.
Session Details:
Cost: $150.00
Length: 60-75 minute lessons
Size: up to 5 dogs
Early Odor Acquisition
This class is taught by dog trainer Julie Rice MT(ASCP), KPA-CTP, CNWI™. Julie is not a Paws4ever dog trainer but she will be coming out to the Paws4ever Learning Center to teach this fun class!
This class is for teams who have completed at least 8 weeks of Intro To K9 Nose Work®. Inspired by working detection dogs, K9 Nose Work® is the fun search and scenting activity for virtually all dogs and people. This easy to learn activity and sport builds confidence and focus in many dogs, and provides a safe way to keep dogs fit and healthy through mental and physical exercise.
We will continue to build the skills needed to solve advanced scent puzzles with our dogs. This will include drills to build independence and confidence in the dogs and increase fluency in line handling. During the class, one dog will work while the other dogs wait in their car. Handlers should be prepared to observe the other dogs searching.
Duration: 5 weeks
Prerequisite: Dogs must be 8 months or older. Proof of required vaccinations (DHPP, Rabies, and Bordetella) must be provided prior to attendance. These can be emailed to
Prerequisite: This class is for teams who have completed at least 8 weeks of Intro To K9 Nose Work®.
Session Details:
Cost: $150.00
Length: 60-75 minute lessons
Size: up to 5 dogs
Dog Training Scholarships
If you are in need of training for your dog and are unable to afford our regular rates, you may request a Dog Training Scholarship. A scholarship can provide up to a 5-week group class and 2-3 private lessons.