Pets Available in the Community

The pets on this page are courtesy postings to help local pet owners rehome their pets directly rather than surrendering them to shelters. These pets are not at Paws4ever, and are not affiliated with Paws4ever. Please contact the owners through their Adopt-a-pet profiles below if you are interested in adopting an animal from this page.

Shelters can be stressful environments for pets, and overcrowding at county shelters contributes to the high euthanasia rate in North Carolina. In order to keep pets out of shelters, reduce overcrowding, and empower pet owners to find a good new home for their pet, we offer this page of courtesy postings through Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet.

The pets listed below are being rehomed directly by members of our community. They are not available at Paws4ever. If you are interested in adopting any of the pets on this page, click on their profile and contact the owner through Adopt-a-Pet. Paws4ever is not involved in the adoption process for these animals.

Need to rehome a pet?
If you need to rehome your pet, set up a profile for them using our Rehome by Adopt A Pet link so your pet’s profile will appear both on Adopt A Pet’s website and on this page. Use code: RCXHAQTL2U8AD8Z to reduce your posting fee to be between $1-$5. Please email with any additional questions regarding using Adopt-a-Pet.

For more rehoming resouces, see our Rehoming & Help resources page.

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